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Battle of Britain 2: Wings of Victory
Патч от v2.06 до v2.06.1 (Multi)
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Автор: Shockwave Productions
Версия файла: 2.06.1 Размер: 8.77 МБайт
Требуемая версия игры: 2.06 [Multi] Файл скачан 43 раза
Дата добавления в архив: 26 июня 2007 года Просмотров профиля: 2028
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Описание и прочая информация:
2.06.01 Changes

1. If the enemy A/C speed is less than 50 MPH (it was zero so little straffing) assume he is landing or taking off and combatstatus = CS_THREATENING or CS_HUNTER (offense) then set the move code to MANOEUVRE_STRAFFE.

2. Prevented a CTD in PSInterfaceClass::StartEffect()+39 byte(s), c:/ bob/ src/ 3d/ psinterface.cpp, line 859 by commenting out the new PS effect and using the old Rowand effect. This was the second time I have had this one.

3. Prevented a CTD in MathLib::HighIntercept()+116 byte(s), c:/ bob/ src/ math/ math.cpp, line 1447+18 byte(s). I changed HighIntercept to Intercept.

4. Removed the breakoff range criteria from a test for the JU87 going to disengage
when the JU87 has been engaged by the player by shooting at the JU87.

5. Added a change for the campaign only so that if a fighter targets another enemy fighter with a move code of AUTOFOLLOWWP (non-combat move code) the attacking AI will be set to disengage (after a short delay or 30 sec. to 60 sec.). This should prevent the attacking AI from following the enemy AI back to base.

6. Fixed the FltBySound (F9) problem. Thanks to Eric.

7. Fixed another HighIntercept CTD forund by ReFlex

8. Recon button and Photo button re-enabled in Campaign.

9. Added the Bdg.txt parameter Friendly_Fire=ON/OFF. Friendly_Fire=ON is the default as the program is now. With Friendly_Fire=ON, the AI can shoot any AI or the player, and with Friendly_Fire=OFF, friendly AI can not shoot other Friendly AI or a friendly player. This was a user request that the Beta testers also wanted.

10. I added code so that multi-Squads could be reviewed for the parameter limits for:
Initial_Max_Number_AI_Targeting_Player and Max_Number_AI_Targeting_AI to prevent the aggressive AI from ganging up on the player and AI in the campaign. This has been a very complex issue for the Beta Testers to try and rebalance the campaign results after I turned loose the more aggressive AI on them. With the RAF so outnumbered during many or the missions this rebalancing task has turned out to be a major challenge. My congrats to our determined Beta Testers and their understanding of BOB history.

11. I deleted AI_Targets_Player_After_HitOrMiss as it was not needed.

12. Implemented two BDG.txt parameters for Collision Avoidance so the function can be tested and controlled by the customer.
Collision_Avoidance_Rear_End = 5.000 #In seconds, Time to take corrective action
Collision_Avoidance_Head_On = 15.000 #In seconds, Time to take corrective action)

13.Fixed a CTD that happened in replay in MoveAirStruc::AutoTakeOff thanks to Borton.

14. I added internal code parameters so I can better tune and understand the AI shooting accuracy as the AI has some “blind spots” with respect to shooting accuracy.

15. AI start shooting eariler in head-on attacks (20%)

16. Fixed CTD in BoxCol::SectorCol()+86 byte(s), c:/ bob/ src/ 3d/ jimcol.cpp, line 391+12 byte(s) and NineSectorColPiloted()+52 byte(s), c:/ bob/ src/ 3d/ jimcol.cpp, line 2346+15 byte(s). Added a test to check for a NULL pointer.

17. Fix a check for multi-squads so the loop will complete and not stop early and result in too many AI attacking the palyer and other AI. This will check Multi-Squads for both Max_Number_AI_Targeting_AI and Initial_Max_Number_AI_Targeting_Player Bdg.txt parameters.

18. Fixed a CTD in BoxCol::SectorCol()+86 byte(s), c:/ bob/ src/ 3d/ jimcol.cpp, line 393+12 byte(s) thanks to Ick and Borton.

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